American Rant

Do my fellow Americans seriously want their employer dictating to them what it means to be an American? Apparently, yes. They do.

They want their employers tellling them when to genuflect to the flag. Does your employer have you sing the anthem at the beginning of each shift? No? Why not? Are they not American? I haven’t heard the anthem sung at any McDonalds drive thrus. Ever. Does Fox News sing the anthem every morning? Commies, right?

One American value I adhere to is I do not get to dictate to others how or what to think or how to express themselves. But, apparently, my fellow Americans disagree with me. They want to dictate to others what they should think and how they should express their deeply held beliefs. Boy…is my thumb not on the pulse of America.

What if your employer decided you needed to stand to a song by Kid Rock(like one where he samples another band because Kid is to inept to come up with his own riff) in honor of our Dear Leader Donald J. Trump and if you didn’t you would be fired?

Employers have no business dictating to their employees what it means to be an American.

But the NFL gets to do that. A private corporation gets to dictate to others how they should express themselves. While at the same time genuflecting to the flag and anthem, acting Uber American, and denying others the right to those values represented in the anthem and flag. Oh the irony and disingenuousness.

Our Dear Leader Trump and the NFL and many of the fans of the NFL, who want to dictate to me what it means to be American, can excuse themselves from the table of free thought and free expression. They don’t adhere to those values. They will dictate when we bow to their ideas. Their gods. Their statues.

Feel free to stand for the anthem. Salute the flag. Wear it as a cape or as underwear. Burn it. Reject it. Make your own flag. Compose your own anthem. But dont ever let others compromise your thoughts, ideas, deeply held beliefs or values.

Ask those who do to pound sand.


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